Insight Session 2024

At three rocks we come at any topic from a ‘people first’ perspective. At the Insight Session we focused on three linked topics that we think will determine what sort of systems we’ll be deploying in our businesses and how we’ll go about it.

- change
- diversification
- data

Under ‘change’ we spoke about the pace and scale of technical change.
We then narrowed things down and talk about a specific aspect of change - ‘diversification’. This is the multiplication of purposes and ways of doing things, and we mean, specifically, in two ways.
I) diversification of utility – people using the same tech for different purposes and with different methods and
ii) diversification of experience needs and expectations. People using the same tech for the same purpose, but expecting different sensations.

Thirdly, and underpinning the first two – we returned to a favourite topic of ours - data. Recognising that data-driven decision making will deliver results better than human intuition.

We're building solutions that:
- Can adapt to the new and unexpected
- Will grow and evolve
- Enable easy integration with 3rd parties
- Make bespoke configurations simple
- Are genuinely data driven

Insight session slides

"I really enjoyed the day and found the insight session very relevant."

"It was great to meet with you all and learn further around three rocks and your latest offerings."

"I enjoyed the day and meeting some interesting people at lunch."

To find out more on our Insights get in touch.

[email protected]

Our next event is the Hospitality Tech Expo, come and see us at stand J10 on the 15th and 16th of October at London Excel.