Data services
are you utilising the data available to you?
Data follows the journey through the whole of XMS
Data is the underlying foundation of our Experience Management System, it's all about knowing your customers, team and business. Using data to gain insight and understanding, to make informed decisions to ultimately improve experiences.
So start here, getting your data right so it can enhance the rest of your operations.
As part of our offering to businesses, we have developed a data service for both B2C and B2B businesses of all sizes and sectors, including the events industry. We have supported brands in transforming their data to enable them to have a single view of the customer, that is built into their ticketing for events, webinars and email campaigns.
Our solutions are tailored to clients’ specific requirements, budget, and timelines. They are scalable, built with future needs in mind and are now configurable to mid-sized businesses. We take the time to understand how our customers operate and how the technology fits together to enhance their company’s offering.
Are you utilising your data?
Survivor bias happens when you only take into account the successes, and forget about the missing data that could be vital.
For example, in WW2, planes that returned showed some damage but this wasn't the vital data, it was the undamaged areas that needed improvement as when a plane was damaged there, it didn't return (missing data).
In this example the insight behind the missing data could be inferred because it was essentially a binary outcome. How often is that the case in the complex environment that businesses operate in?
It is rare to be able to make accurate decisions from missing data, especially in hospitality when ultimately what determines success or failure is your ability to predict human behaviour.
If there is data available from your operations, or the environment that you operate in, you should be capturing it now, even if you are not ready to use it immediately. As new ideas/questions arise in your business the fewer gaps you have in your data, the better placed you will be to minimise assumptions and uncover genuine insight.